Friday, November 18, 2005

My fetish with donuts

went to airport to fetch my parents from airport..they reach spore about 1155pm..

mum bought donuts and more importantly the famous Mister Donuts ..which have taken Japan and Taiwan by storm..
Wah real honoured to get them mum..she say need to queue for quite some favourite of them all is the French Custard..Damn freaking good..

Just hope that singapore will have one soon..

just out the interesting fact about Mister Donuts
Mister Donut was a large doughnut chain in North America. It had been founded in 1956 by Harry Winouker. Harry's brother-in-law William Rosenberg founded Dunkin' Donuts that same year. Mr. Donut had been the largest competitor to Dunkin' Donuts before being bought out by Dunkin' Donuts' parent company in February of 1990. Today, the Mister Donut brand survives in Japan, and the company is expanding into other areas of Asia such as Taiwan. In Japan the chain is owned by Duskin Corporation. In Taiwan, the chain is owned by a joint venture between Duskin and the Uni-President Enterprises Corporation, which also operates 7-11 and Starbucks stores in Japan and Taiwan. Many Mister Donut stores in Japan also house Yamucha (formerly Mister Dim Sum) sub-stores that serve a small variety of dim sum. By comparison, Dunkin' Donuts operates relatively few stores in Asia today, with most in South Korea and Thailand. the donuts business run in a family?..

Monday, November 14, 2005


so happy today just gt the email..i am going for 2 liesaving courses...AM and BC.
i think i better start swimming now..hehe..
i hope that i can pass both of them..well..train loh..

Award of Merit
Course Syllabus :

A. Skills covered in Standard Module.
B. Longer distance Tows.
C. Resuscitation in deep water without support.
D. Further Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation.
E. Further Emergency Care.

Bronze Cross
Course Syllabus :

A. Throwing, Reaching, Wading and Accompany rescues.
B. Open water Entries.
C. Landings - Assisted and Unassisted.
D. Open water swim and Distance Tows.
E. Surface Dives.
F. Contact and Non-contact Tows.
G. Shallow water Resuscitation.
H. Defence and Releases.
I. Underwater Search.

PC3245 last lesson

finally..hehe..settle project...and last lecture

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Saturday, November 12, 2005

parents go taiwan

hey...have been quite busy lately..alot of stuff to do..cos parents not at home..haha..well..not easy to be a housewife..get to know that feeling very long ago..hehe..

man it gd training.....

Friday, November 11, 2005

Canoeing at Macritchie

damn fun..quite an experience...haha..also gt the chance to dip in the reservoir water..hope to return for more...will like to try out canoeing at bedok reservoir

hope that more physics major will join us...

Friday, October 28, 2005

Clear lab

Helped my mum to book the airtickets from Ho Chi Minh..13 dec to singapoe 5 tiockets..wah that means we will be in Vietnam about 15days..cos we are flying to Hanoi on the 29 nov after my PC3245 exam..Was in the midst of planning the itenerary..
Got quite a few book on vietnam..Vietnam here i come..

Was quite happy today clear all the lab liao..left presentation..and i am done with 3193...

went home early today to go joking..jog from my home to east coast park and back...phew..want to die liao...

think i have to train more before the ippt..damn...hope to make it ..

going to swim liao..

Friday, October 21, 2005

great day

have an eaarly lecture at 8am...

went to sps and start grab some movies...

went to swimming with amos at nus src at abt 1230pm...600m warm up free/breast follow by 100,200,200 free and 200 cool ..
phew..getting better...

after went to sps ..have a mac many mac experts over there...learn quite alot of stuff and updates..phew real cool..

went over to mpsh for the sports club awards dinner..3 guys from the team win the awards...Have a hearty conversation with the senoirs..

went home after dinner ..reach home abt 1130pm...clean and polish my ibook..really love it..real proud of it...

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Lost my DBS card..

Found out that my DBS atm and debit card went missiing..shit...quickly call the card centre to deactivate my card...service was good and prompt..i will be getting a new card soon..very impressed with e service...

mno presentation over

phew..finally it was over yesterday...all the video taking and the video editing have been sumarised into a 8min video...Going for tuition students getting back their results..need to go through them..

was going thru my sis chem and a maths paper..she did quite well..

looking forward to this friday dinner with u the ulc team at NUS for the sports awards ceremoney...

Monday, October 17, 2005

Down with cold..

had quite a bad cold today..damn..guess training will be light today....cant push...hehe..head to the pool for training...amos and jason reach quite early...

warm up:300m breast,300m free.
training:100,200,300m free..

i stop..suppose to finish pyramid training..100-300-100m....

Friday, October 14, 2005

ULC training back...and vietname trip

got this email from our coach,Mr Sim

Dear All,
Please come down for Friday trainings starting this Friday at 7pm.
1) To keep fit till next competition
2) To add more power in your workout
3) For those likely to be selected for world c’ships in Feb 2006
4) To keep in touch with all.


*Oh, got some free gift for those went with the Penang trip.........DVD.... championship..i am really far to be in national team..looking at the national team players from NUS..they are super gd in all areas swimming and running and surf to train hard man...

Training was really tough..after so long...went to meet my friends at NUH Marcel for dinner after training...Need to know more about Vietnam from him...I am going after the exam...Really interesting Vietnam..Exotic is e word...I have to pick up soome common words b4 going there..I should be going from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh...I am going on the 29 Nov on Tiger Airways on a $1 ticket...hehe..damn cheap...

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Drunk Drunk Drunk!!!

I just came back from chalet at changi..damn drunk!!!was uploading the photos ..was quite a gd day...Had a hearty conversation and bbq with the main comm from NVAC.I was kind of sad..this could be the last time i am attending any events from NVAC...The comm has been thru alot many successful events..and also alot of dispute and disagreement...But i believe gd things always have to come to a end...The gd memories will alway stay with me...

Monday, September 19, 2005

MNO1001 Teammates

Today have a meeting with the team at Central lib..haha..christina real lame..get to know more about them...C u guys on thurs at orchard....

Kill Bill

Sunday, September 18, 2005

知法犯法-Cops On A Mission

导演 麦子善


军装警员Mike(吴彦祖饰演)与好朋友聪仔一同入行,Mike 因一次开枪射死匪徒,被停职处分。其实Mike并没有脱离警队,他当了卧底,并顺利取得黑帮老大任击天的信任,担任他的贴身保镳。

任击天的妻子Pauline(关秀媚饰演)生性好赌,常瞒着任击天与友人到赌场豪赌。Pauline 在澳门欠下巨款,Mike赴澳救她,两人发生关系。后来,Mike 为了上位,将好朋友聪杀死,嫁祸于任击天……

Happen to see this gd review online..

好 的 地 方 - 此 片 令 筆 者 想 起 《 江 湖 告 急 》 和 《 刑 殺 之 法 》 。 曾 志 偉 富 優 默 但 又 充 滿 感 性 演 繹 的 江 湖 大 哥 和 《 江 》 片 梁 家 輝 的 角 色 頗 為 相 似 , 都 是 重 情 義 但 處 事 俐 落 的 豪 氣 人 物 , 兩 片 也 富 黑 色 優 默 趣 味 。 和 《 刑 》 片 一 樣 , 此 片 主 題 也 是 講 臥 底 變 節 的 故 事 , 恰 巧 地 兩 片 主 角 都 是 吳 彥 祖 , 看 來 吳 彥 祖 亦 正 亦 邪 、 即 是 正 中 略 帶 邪 氣 的 外 表 , 最 得 拍 此 類 電 影 制 作 人 的 歡 心 。

此 片 的 故 事 十 分 明 確 直 接 , 一 如 片 名 《 知 法 犯 法 》 , 講 述 吳 彥 祖 飾 演 的 臥 底 如 何 棄 明 投 暗 , 做 盡 壞 事 。 比 較 有 趣 的 是 , 全 片 的 思 路 都 以 他 作 立 腳 點 , 完 全 沒 有 從 道 德 上 批 判 此 角 色 的 意 圖 。 到 了 最 後 還 是 吳 彥 祖 自 述 作 結 , 也 沒 有 提 及 任 何 後 悔 的 說 話 。

曾 志 偉 不 愧 是 影 帝 級 人 馬 , 高 水 準 的 演 出 令 人 嘆 為 觀 止 。 除 了 一 道 濃 眉 比 較 惹 笑 外 , 他 今 次 的 角 色 其 實 比 較 正 經 。 但 這 亦 無 礙 他 的 發 揮 。 除 了 搞 笑 外 , 曾 志 偉 演 感 情 戲 的 演 技 也 十 分 出 色 。 在 此 片 他 順 利 地 把 江 湖 大 哥 的 傲 氣 和 重 情 義 特 徵 演 活 , 角 色 處 理 頗 為 生 動 立 體 , 猶 其 尾 段 和 關 秀 媚 的 一 段 對 白 , 感 情 表 達 恰 到 好 處 , 令 人 感 動 。 吳 彥 祖 近 來 片 約 不 斷 , 磨 練 機 會 多 了 , 演 技 亦 進 步 不 少 。 今 次 演 奸 臥 底 比 起 在 《 刑 》 片 時 更 淡 定 , 層 層 漸 進 的 心 理 變 化 也 掌 握 不 俗 , 不 難 成 為 明 日 的 最 佳 男 主 角 。

麥 子 善 在 前 作 《 緣 份 有 Take 2 》 拍 法 上 十 分 保 守 和 平 實 , 想 不 到 在 此 片 卻 能 做 到 耳 目 一 新 之 感 。 鏡 頭 運 用 和 快 慢 鏡 剪 接 等 都 充 滿 活 力 和 創 意 , 配 上 適 當 的 背 景 音 樂 運 用 , 整 體 視 聽 效 果 頗 為 不 俗 , 麥 子 善 的 電 影 感 掌 握 比 前 進 步 不 少 , 值 得 一 讚 。

差 勁 之 處 - 此 片 對 於 變 質 臥 底 吳 彥 祖 的 描 寫 , 大 多 是 表 面 行 為 , 如 勾 義 嫂 、 殺 兄 弟 、 殺 上 師 、 綁 大 佬 等 , 都 是 十 分 明 顯 行 貨 的 反 骨 仔 行 為 , 雖 然 拍 得 過 癮 , 但 是 對 於 該 角 的 心 理 層 次 描 寫 不 高 。 曾 志 偉 的 黑 人 物 型 像 也 太 正 面 , 似 有 褒 揚 黑 道 人 物 之 嫌 , 意 色 不 良 。 劇 情 邏 輯 則 仍 是 「 做 戲 噤 做 」 。 猶 其 講 述 曾 志 偉 不 輕 信 別 人 , 但 是 卻 不 認 真 查 探 吳 彥 祖 的 身 世 便 委 以 重 任 , 實 難 服 人 。 寫 他 殺 害 眾 人 的 情 節 亦 嫌 太 簡 單 , 如 突 然 出 現 夜 店 殺 死 吳 志 雄 或 在 更 衣 室 殺 郭 鋒 等 , 說 服 力 實 在 不 強 。

關 秀 媚 演 黑 幫 第 一 夫 人 , 除 了 身 材 出 眾 外 , 無 論 演 技 或 樣 貌 都 不 能 令 人 滿 意 。 關 秀 媚 型 像 太 似 OL 和 良 家 婦 女 , 要 演 黑 社 會 人 物 只 覺 事 倍 功 半 。 況 且 戲 中 一 再 強 調 吳 彥 祖 是 被 她 的 性 感 吸 引 , 但 是 關 的 樣 貌 卻 未 見 驚 艷 或 高 傲 的 感 覺 。 個 人 認 為 如 果 此 角 能 由 邱 淑 貞 或 周 海 媚 演 出 可 能 會 更 佳 , 因 為 她 們 都 是 性 感 在 骨 子 里 的 演 員 , 而 非 像 關 秀 媚 一 樣 只 能 以 賣 弄 身 材 為 性 感 本 錢 。

此 片 不 是 一 級 佳 作 , 但 是 兩 個 男 主 角 演 得 實 在 出 色 , 加 上 麥 子 善 在 導 技 上 的 進 步 , 還 是 值 得 捧 場 的 。

猛 人 - 吳 彥 祖 , 曾 志 偉

文: Kantorates

My comments:Lessons of the day u sow what u reaps..

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Friday, September 09, 2005


today is a day of a lot of thoughts for me...was rushing to tutorial...

just happen to make up my mind...i so damn sick..sick...sick of studies...god damn...really hate to the core...i have never enjoy studying since primary sch..esp in NUS..I have smoking my way through...really tough...

I made up my mind...i really not going to study anymore..this is my last freakin year studying...not going to tough the damn boring and think textbook...I dun care if ppl in the society around me is to look at me from the perspectives of my cert...

I feel so control in my life esp this period of time when i am giving tuition...i am in control of finance..i am at a liberty to buy myself luxury.I really hope to go into society and work..and pursue all the interesting things and interest i have always interested in...Travelling,Sports and meeting interesting ppl...

So i will not make myself so stress just because i cannot make it in studies..most impt is to be happy...Learn as much life skills as i can...

just try my best in this last freakin year..and most impt be happening..and lead a meaningful life...Life is suppose to be interesting and fun...

Happen to see the new ipod...nano..damn cool..saving

looking forward to this sat ball comm dinner at holland village and sun lifesaving team training at sentosa..
here i

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Sportsball05 finally over

Finally its over...The whole comm was damn happy...Finally it over....Clear up the stuff before going to the hotel rm to celebrate..We ordered mac at about 130 am..hehe..everyone was damn hungry..we ordered like so many sets..they gt to send 2 people to come...

After eating mac we went to 7-11 at raffles place..we buy one bottle of vodka and some mixer at 3am...Actually we have finished half a bottle before coming down to buy...damn siao ..everyone is so high spirit...hehe..

Went back to the hotel room and played games ...Damn fun to see all the comm ppl drunk ..and not at themselves...The girls also very on.....

Not long later we ran out of vodka again..we went down to buy another vodka again..if i am not wrong it is about 5am..i also abit tipsy liao...

We went back and play..after a few more rounds..i need to go home liao ..cos i gt lecture at 8am..but i really cannot make it..never sleep and tipsy..

Decided to make a move ..need to go back home and then go nus for sch..cannot make it..

Was also happy that i won 2 g shock watch..damn 2 lucky ticket nos also kena..hehe...

Friday, September 02, 2005

fri is my longest day...from 8 to 5..

suppose to go for mno1001 lecture at 10..thought of giving it a miss and try to get the lasing effect ..i try the whole day yesterday ..still cannot get it..i dun understand..tien juen tell me damn easy ..want leh...haiz...

went to the level 3 lab..again..actually the main laser tube..reminds me of the darth vader red laser a hardcore starwars fan..i am honoured to be "reading up and know more about the lasers"..but i more interested in the force..and the elusive "the dark side"..hehe..

Official reproduction of Darth Vader's lightsaber from Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back.
Glowing, bright red blade ignites with realistic power-up, and power-down lights effects.
Authentic lightsaber sound effects digitally recorded from the movie.
Features motion sensor controlled sound effects: power-up, power-down, idle, movement, and clash.

Official reproduction of Anakin Skywalker's lightsaber from Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith.
Glowing, bright blue blade ignites with realistic power-up, and power-down lights effects.
Authentic lightsaber sound effects digitally recorded from the movie.

Selling at US$119 at

After doing for 2 hours still cant do it..damn..I tink i take a rest..joining amos for a swim

meeting him at 12...
meet him at sci..then going over to the src...

damn so freaking long since i stop training due to sportsball..guess it time to get back in the prog..
amos suggested swimming 100,200,300,300,200,100 free
follow by 100,200,300 breast
basically it doesnt matter..cos i know i cant endure that long..just swim..

wah stroke cannot make it..haiz..but a few more laps..getting back the feel..amos have improved alot..must be the training..Finally finish liao..went to YIH to makan...saw Jason ULC chair..

After eating ..go over to sportsclub rm..thought of talking to Tiffany about getting NUSSU van to collect the sponsors stuff on mon at pasir panjang warehouse..Seriously i dun feel like driving that damn van..I have quite a bad experience driving that van during MINDS camp...For 3 days i drove like 700+ km...Gt once i was so tired i sleep while driving..i found my van "drifting to the opposite lane..

Told Tiff..about that she call me to check it out with Qijia..Happen to saw Jason again..have a short chat with him...He was telling me there is a lifesaving championship during the holidays at Hong Kong...hmm..i am interested..hehe...better start training back to form...

Went back to Lab..Feeling of the great workout and the food...feel damn my whole calibration...wah still no laser...wah lau damn pissed off liao..for 2 days..still cant see anything..i better find the lab techs and demo..they cant get it too after much attempt...The lab techs bring out some cleaning agent and clean the lens...

After a few adjustments..for once i saw the laser..real nice..looking at the time..i know i cant finish the expt today..think it better to seal it up and do the next week..collect all the data at one shot...

When the lab about the close ..have a damn hearty conversation with my fellow phy majors...never had such a nice conversation..before..talking about everything under the ...friends..abit of gossip here and there...

Went to sci canteen to grab some food b4 going tuition...wah gt news about teck soon discovery..hehe..cant believe it..he is gd man..damn steady...can just share and copy songs without the source knowing ...real cool man..will start sharing the songs..when going to level 3lab..

Wah say the tutition damn hard to find...i kind of late.....
2 hours pass damn fast...went back home..wah i took the wrong direction for bus 21...haha..send me to the terminal..luckily it 2 stops only..took the opposite direction from the terminal the time i reach home about 1130pm..

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

5 days to sportsball..redbull

stay at home the whole day to follow up on all and and talk..check email...and check email..quite a busy day...

Red Bull agreed to sponsor us ...but they have to provide a team to fullerton hotel to "promote" their director was not keen on that..cos it may spoil the ambience of the atmosphere of the ball with so many important guests esp Mr Mah Bow Tan..

Call their marketing manager...he is also not too keen on the decision to put the drinks in the goodie bags..frankly speaking if i am the marketing manager..i will also will not agree...talking ppl about the benefits of the product before giving them..definitely will go a long way in marketing rather than puting them in the goodie bags..

Frankly speaking i was impressed with their marketing effort and idea when they came to NUS during last sem during exam to give out red bull drinks..There are 2 Red Bulls girls driving a blue volkwagon with a big red bull logo on the car...I think the Red Bulls girls are real sporty...hehe...The marketing manager for Red Bull definitely have learn his marketing lesson well..impressive..

went to supermarket to buy a tub of ice cream..have been craving a magnolia chocolate chip at 4.20..and buy a loaf of bread...that gonna be my supper..

i think i need to damn busy..cant exercise..actually giving myself too much excuses...went to exercise in the evening..can notice the difference in my fitness...hiaz...since last training...damn weak liao..think i better be consistent..

6 days to sportsball

now at 220am..writing my blog...thinking of what have happened today...not bad quite a rewarding day..

have 2nd mno1001 tutorial today...damn fun..we have to make a stable structure using just straw and tape to support a egg drop from 8 feet..wah sound like physics..s=ut+1/2at^2...hehe..cannot make it..
my structure is call the cup and egg....
My team ,we made a structure like a bouquet of straws..we tapped the thing to the floor before going for the of us suppose to drop an egg from 8 feet..if the egg lands without cracking,it's a gd landing...each team given only 1 attempt..Xiang lai volunteered to drop the egg..that when we realise something wrong with our struture ..the opening is too small..the thrower will have a hard time aligning the egg that when the egg drop it will fall right into the structure..

in fact our egg went out of the structure..and hit onto the floor..cracked...cannot make it..we have made some minor "zeroing"with 2 guys giving xianglai direction...

haiz..we request for another attempt..the 2nd time the egg went in..and did not crack..during this tutorial we learned why working in a team is impt..esp during the brainstorming and planning process...

after this tutorial went staight to level3 lab..have to rush my report..suppose to viva my 1st level3 it double quick time..print it out..and wait for my turn..happen to know some guys are doing 3rd expt..god..i haven start my 2nd..

Tecksoon and huike is also going for viva with the same KURTSIEFER Christian(Pic attached).mine turn came...wah he viva me for at least half an hour..actually i dun know what he is trying to explain..totally lost..too difficult for me....wah..cannot make it..just have to act i understand...phew...

finally over...went to tuition at 6pm..another one at 8pm..finish my 2 tuition at 10pm..

Sunday, August 28, 2005

9 days to Sportsball05

real close liao..will be having a o comm meeting this thurs...means i have to change my tuition to mon..will be packing the goodie bag this sun..

have to give tuition today in the noon..wah my student have not been doing well during the pre-prelim..he need more tuition so become..3x a week...tues,fri and sun...phew...

was shock to find out tiff that edwin is backing out on the olivia to convince not to...cos i think he gt a high chance to win...but understand he is super stress.due to all the pageant trainings..and lifesaving trainings..

also find out that there is voting system for the pageant on funkygrad...

guys do check it out and vote at
click on the mercurio-sportsball online voting..

for more info about the event pls click

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Sat 27.08.05

Sportball 05 coming real close..phew..Yew lim went down to Daniel Yam with Olivia to conclude the sponsorship deal..We hope to secure sponsorship for gown for the female pageant contestants..I am quite stress for the sponsorship for the formal wear male part...still cant get any..gdness...

Yew Lim called me to tell me about the terms and conditions..have to go down to Daniel office to sign the contract..

Suppose to send a list of the marketing things we have...

this is what the email look like....

the stuff we have

1)Goodie bags:
-One full size and two mini products (Nivea)
-Vouchers (Metamorphosis-photo studio)
-One sample product (Shisiedo)
-Plant Milk Shampoo (Prefers)
-Facial Cleansers or Shower Foam products(EverSoft)
-Big Goodie Bag(Nivea)

2)Lucky draw prizes:
- 10 vouchers worth of modelling course worth 600 (Shine Models)
- 2 baby-G and 2 G-shock
- Shisiedo hampers
-1 DRI Fusion Series Towel
-1 LAKEN aluminium bottles
-1 NORTHSTAR flashlights

3)Pageant prizes:
- Modelling and grooming courses for winner, 1st and 2nd runner up
(Shine models)
- Hampers for winner, 1st and 2nd runner ups, body perfect, ms
photogenic (Nivea)
- Shisiedo hampers
- 1 baby-G and 1 g-shock for winners
- 4 pairs of jewellery for pageant contestants eliminated during semi-finals

4)Pageant Apparel and Accessories(Loan):
-6 gowns(Daniel Yam)
-6 chokers and 6 bracelets(Male)(Perlini's Silver)
-6 necklaces,3 bracelets and 5 set of earings(Female)(Perlini's silver)
-10 broadshorts(Quiksilver)-return liao
-9 bikini and 1 tube top(Roxy)-return liao

5)Pageant Photoshoot Sponsorship(Metamorphsis):

-photoshoot for 20 semi-individual shoot
-5 groups of 4 shoots
-1 combined shot

-Photoshoot for 12 finalists-indivdual shoot
-4 groups of 3 shots
-1 combined shot

-Make up artist and hairstylist for 2 photo shoot

this is all

We are still in the midst of getting more stuff and products...Will
keep u all updated..
Do let me,yew lim or wee shan know of any contacts u have..regarding

Going to bedok for tuition in the evening later..

Was kind of delay after the tuition student is very troubled that she is kena bully by her teammates..she is telling me she is doing everything...i talk to her for her time...hehe...

went back gave me a cup of red wine..was drinking it while reading some mag...kind of relaxing way to spend the sat night...

went to watch a korean tour show..they show the dongdaemun market in Seoul City Korea..
real cool...this is the place where all the leading fashion trend will come out of korea ...
there even have a webpage for their list of fashion items selling in dongdaemun..really impressive..

i will like to go there after my exam...

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Long time never blog.. damn long never blog..think i will start...

will have to update for the long absence..too busy with sportsball05 and the handling over of all the projects on hand to the new comm...hehe...finally i can see myself getting not so busy..After the sportball..i will be more of less done liao..

I just bought ibook 12inch at $1700.real happy with the purchase..i am longing to own a imac for damn long liao..finally i can buy it...also very happy i can get rid of my stupid toshiba m100..damn..stupid really a lousy laptop..cant make it..guess what i managed to sell it off at 950..hehe..

Now looking forward to owning one ipod photo..wah really ex..must save for some time..

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

19 july tues

wah today sleep until 9am..damn at sentosa at 11am til 7pm...

mum is buying chong pang nasi lemak for my lunch to be eaten at sentosa..she call me telling me that my parents will fetch me to sentosa..hehe...mum call me to feed vivi for breakfast..i put 2 scoops of food for her..she like very hungry..after a while she finish liao..i let her out of her cage to let her play around...

so start to pack my bag...and eat my breakfast...pandan cakes and 2 pieces of bread..

mum and dad come back liao..they quite shocked to see her running around the house..they call her to go back to the cage to do her big business...

we then went down to the car dad call me to the chance to drive ..that good..

i reach sentosa bus stop about 10am...i thought of going in early to play and train the surfboard.after going office to sign in..went straight to tower 2 ..change into my gear at 7-11 toilet..Xtina is doing tower 2 today...ask her whelthere can take out the surfboard and train..she not i comm gaz...he say ..can only play during break..hmm..then i come too early liao..nothing to do..

haiz...thought of canoeing also..difficult...can only do during breaks... choice..stay at my nasi lemak and chit chat with Xtina..wah..we talked for quite alot...haha...alot of things to say

she went for her break..and i cover for her tower...then start to rain..haiz..damn boring...i hope the rain stops..i want to play the surfboard..damn..i personally noe it wont stop...

after xtina go for her was rayson for tower1 turn..there is a ntu hall orientation going around palawan beach..uncle quek our supervisor reminded me the things they are going to do ..when they come over to my beach..he and rayson then go for their break..

it still raining heavily..finally my turn to go for the break still raining..cant go surfboarding..gaz fetch me to office on the buggy..hehe..

when i went into office ..saw gaz,neo,uncle quek and stephanie..talking about the events for the open lifesaving competition..i think sentosa team is strong...they have won quite a few gold medals last year...

the more we talk..the more we get interested..the idea of going training surfices..stephanie want to go back liao..thought of getting a lift too on the buggy..neo sent us back..i went to canoe and do some light running...

then take over rayson..he went over to xtina to relieve that she can go home...there is another engine dry run for o week..saw junchuan..

finally 7pm..comes..have to go to give tuition at guillemard...i then gt a sms..saying he cant today..i was like..but..u tell me alreay 7 ..i am on my way...

i decided to tell cheng siang...i am on my way..he still say he cant..nvm...i then tell him it very hard for me to find other slots to give him tuition cos of my work..

i went home to eat loh..then talk to my mum about this problem..she and i agreed that i should call chang siang mum to talk it my shock his mum tell me that cheng siang tell her that i cant make it..wah..champion..luckily i talk to her his trick..i then tell his mum that he keep changing tuition lately..which made me very hard to arrange my other stuff..i hope to fix 2 days for the tuition...

she agreed with me..she will call me back on that..she called me back..confirmed wed and thur 7-9pm..phew finally...

went to teach my sis..her math test did very well ..23/25..can get full marks..she just copy one part wrong..haiz..saw her chem test..29/40..not very good..go thru her mistakes...made her understand my theories..

went online to chit chat..and check email...confirmed tomolo SOW banner painting at sch and going to check it out the dance classes for the sportsball 05 pageant..

decided to go it a day at 1.07am..

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

i am down...130705 (Wed)

today i have to work at t 10am.Today have to do pontoon cleaning..

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Chinook Posted by Picasa

The view from tower station Posted by Picasa

Sunday, July 10, 2005

10 july Sun

Wake up at beach training...looking forward to training there...rather than changi..sentosa much more convenient...easier to go and much cleaner..changi beach quite dirty for the sand and is quite dangerous as we ran on the beach sand..alot of litter on changi beach..phew..finally..change liao..i guess alot of ulc ppl looking forward to that..

Mum buy back some kuey...better eat more stuff...later training will be tough....

Pack my bag and get ready to go sentosa...

Went to the bus stop to take bus ..happen to see mum and dad in the car coming back from home..they picked me up and sent me straight to sentosa nice...

Went to palwan beach training..Saw jieming and his friend at the bus terminal in sentosa..We took the yellow line to palawan beach..

We alight at dolphin lagoon..We then walk all the bus to look for Mr Sim...Saw him standing at the beach with his distinct cap and long sleeve shirt..

I went with Mr Sim to get the Surf board from the lifeguard there..The surfboards are those we used at changi..they have bring over to Sentosa for us to train..

Was talking to the lifeguard on duty to give us the key to get the boards..Then suddenly the lifeguard ask u all from NUS u know who is Ronghua?I was like!what???Mr Sim say i am ronghua loh..I then remember he is Mr Neo...which i talk to him last time when i come to sentosa to express my interest in working as a lifeguard at sentosa..he was the one who took my particulars..but he say he lost my hp no..he ask me if i want today?i was like look at Mr Sim..he just say ..sure...go and strange ..suppose to go training ...went working like that..then another lifeguard Julian came along..Mr Neo call me to follow him..i am to work from 11am to 7pm.

Julian gave the key to Mr Sim to get the surfboards..they are going to silso to train...

I get on the buggy with Julian..he bring me to the lifeguard station to put my belongings and change up...All the guys are slowing coming in..They are the ones doing the 11am shift...All the guys are talking and dicsussing who is doing which post?and who is doing with who?

Julian sent me to tanjong beach..which he claimed to be the safer beach around..there will be 3 people there..

I was sent over by buggy to the tanjong beach post..Julian was briefing me on the life and work of a beach patrol life guard..

Reaching there i saw the 2 guys..jiawei and shiqin...intro myself..jiawei..he show me around the beach...the different areas of the tanjong beach...

he then briefed me on the equipments around..the kayak and the very red typical baywatch topedo buoy..

He then call me to go up the watch the highest tower around..can see real far ahead ...can see the happening pub real happening pub..saw alot of happening ppl hanging around there..with the good music..

Siqin went to take a break first..i will go last..i walk around the beach to do patrol..real happy..i always look forward to being working as a real lifeguard..finally gt my chance..somemore working at sentosa..

real happy..shiqin come back from her jiawei time to go for his break..he went to train his swimming in the pool..hehe..damn steady..

before long it my turn..get the bicycle thought of going palawan beach to look for my friends playing at to them for a while..went back to the station to get my bag before going back..

Went to 7-11..thought of getting my lunch..but not much food left..nvm..go home then eat my dinner...

Siqin have to go home..another guy came over to take over..Then we can see a storm coming ..dark clouds coming..we went down to call all the guests to starts to rain very heavily and worse thing the wind is really strong..we hide in our hut..which is not gd enough..cos the rain is still coming in and the wind is still blowing..we are shivering like really damn cold..what a day? first day..

We take turns to hide the toilet..really cannot make it..then an incident happen..3 ang moh guests took our kayak and went out to the sea..we ran after them..calling them back..on 1 look they are damn drunk...they are talking nonsense...we get them back..we bring our kayak back on the sand...jiawei warned them not to do it..

julian came over on his buggy..he want to show me around the beach and orientate me..before long his walkie talkie post has request for help..the same guest has snatched the kayak and went out to sea..

Julian comms for ranger help...we went over to take a look..julian went over ..he call jiawei to get into the water and and swim and call them to return to shore..

They returned shore..julian gave a very serious warning..after everything..he bring me back to the station to fill in the particulars..he then want me to go coasties to bring out some floats with other guys..Matthew show me how to take out the floats..Kok chin also come over to help..We put the floats at the corner behind the first aid office..

We then get on the buggy and head back to station..time to go home..Grabbed our bag..took the buggy to go the showing area..

After a very short debrief after julian..went to Ranger office to punch card..obviously i dun have..we then took blue line to go bus terminal..then take another bus to harbour front mrt..feeling very cold and tired...

Reach home..tuck in to dinner ...cant wait liao..

Suppose to be doing duty..erm.. Posted by Picasa

Tanjong Beach Post (Sentosa)-Bunch of funky lifeguards.. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, July 09, 2005

CLose up.. Posted by Picasa